
StarBattles is a 3-D single-player space shooter. The game spawns you at your home base which you must defend from multiple waves of increasingly difficult enemy fighter attacks. You have an infinite number of respawns, but if you fail to defend your station, it's game over. This was a team project that was worked on in a three class series, spanning nine months. I was project lead and one of two programmers on the team. My fellow programmer was the one that pitched the game having come up with the initial idea and design for the project. This project was made from the ground up and was our first attempt using XNA, and is now in the process of being updated to use the Unity platform.

Language: C#, HLSL

Engine:  XNA

Platform: Windows with support for Xbox game controller

Role: Project Lead, Programmer


  • Lead a team of my classmates handling weekly task assignments, incorporating teacher feedback
  • Managed project sprints to keep on schedule and make sure there were no blockers
  • Player controls and functionality
  • Weapons system and combat balancing
  • Game menus and UI set up
  • Particle system trigger moments